Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference hall A101 (D401)

8:30-9:00 FTMC lobby Registration  


9:0010:30Andreas Trabesinger (Reinschrift Science Communication, Zurich, Switzerland) Training courses: How to prepare a manuscript for highly-ranked journals Part I

10:30-10:50 Coffee break

10:5012:20Andreas Trabesinger How to prepare a manuscript for highly-ranked journals Part II

12:20-13:30 Lunch break

13:3015:00Elisabetta Sieni (University of Insubria, Varese, Italy) Photovoltaic generation: from the cell to the module
  15:00-15:20 Coffee break  
15:2016:05Michael Shur, (Troy, NY, USA) – on line THz plasmonics physics and applications
16:0516:50Adrian Cernescu (AttoCube Systems, Haar, Germany) AFM and vibrational spectroscopy in the combination for neaSCOPE
16:5017:35Egidijus Anisimovas (Vilnius University) Floquet engineering: Using periodic driving to steer controllable quantum systems

18:00-19:30 Reception (lobby of the National Centre, Saulėtekio ave.3)

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference hall A101

Director of FTMC Ramūnas Skaudžius
Chair of APROPOS 19 Conference Gintaras Valušis
Section 1: Novel wireless communication systems Chair: Gintaras Valušis
9:10S1-I1-PIwao Hosako (National Inst. Inform.Com, Tokyo, Japan)  Advances and Future Directions in Terahertz Wireless Communications – Invited
9:40S1-I2Guillaume Ducournau  (CNRS and University of Lille, France) – THz communications & photonics techniques for mm-wave/THz devices and system measurements – Invited
  10:10-10:30 Coffee break
Section 2: Special session “High frequency devices and SEMICONDUCTOR CHIPS” Chair: Linas Minkevičius
10:30S2-I1Xavier Rotenberg, (IMEC, Leuven, Belgium) – TBA – Invited
11:00S2-I2Safumi Suzuki (Tokyo Institute of Technology) Resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators with milliwatt power outputs – Invited
11:30S2-I3Chong Li (University of Glasgow, UK) — Ultrafast and nonlinear behaviours in III-V compound semiconductor devicesInvited
12:00-13:15 Lunch break
Section 3: Novel terahertz materials and devices Chair: Chong Li
13:15S3-I1Chiko Otani (RIKEN Center for Advanced Photonics, Sendai, Japan) – Development of THz phase-randomizing absorber – Invited
13:45S3-I2Hiroshi Ito (University of Tokyo, Japan) – Low-Noise Terahertz-Wave Detector: Fermi-Level Managed Barrier Diode – Invited
14:15S3-I3R. Kobayashi (University of Kyoto, Japan) – Structural optimization and implementation of superconducting terahertz source based on the anisotropic dielectric model
14:30S3-O1L. Stakėla (FTMC, Lithuania) – Plasmonic Eigenmodes of a Semiconductor Superlattice in Conditions of Bloch Gain
14:45S3-O2D. Čibiraitė-Lukenskienė (Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany and FTMC,Lithuania) – Enhancing Wood Recycling from Bulky Waste Using Multi-Sensor Fusion with Terahertz Imaging
15:00 end
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
Section 4: SPECIAL SESSION – United Lithuanian-Polish workshop “LUBLIN READINGS” Chair: Gintaras Valušis
15:30S4-I1Martynas Jakulis (Vilnius University) – The Constitution of 3 May 1791: Origins, Interpretations, and Legacy – Invited
16:00S4-I2Wojciech Knap (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland)  Terahertz plasmonics devices– Invited
16:30S4-I3Irmantas Kašalynas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Hybrid THz plasmonics – Invited
17:00S4-O1M. Dub (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland) – Electrical Control of Terahertz Plasmonic Crystal Phases
17:15S4-O2R. Ivaškevičiūtė-Povilauskienė (FTMC, Lithuania) – Coloured Digital Terahertz Holography
17:30 end
17:30-18:30 Coffee break // POSTER Session/ Students Awards presentation
18.30 – AIDIJA chorus concert (NFTMC, A101)

APROPOS Parallel section: location – FTMC, conference room D401

Section 3: SPECIAL SESSION: dedicated to FLORIN project

Chair: Renata Karpitz

16:00SSF-I1Nikita Belko (University of Eastern Finland, Finland) – Eco-friendly, facile preparation of carbon nitride/titanium dioxide nanocomposites for catalytic applications – Invited
16:30SSF-O1M. Shuba (FTMC,Lithuania) – Microscopic description of a film of the single-walled carbon nanotube in the optical range
16:45SSF-O2B. Xu (University of Eastern Finland)  Increasing production yield of sensing diamond nanoneedles
17:00SSF- O3M. Quarshie (University of Eastern Finland))  – Diamond nanoneedles for biosensing
17:15SSF- O4U. Bagdonaitė (VU GMC, Lithuania) – Live-cell single-molecule localization microscopy-based studies of Cas9-DNA interaction dynamics
17:30SSF- O5U. Roliūtė (FTMC, Lithuania) – Biomolecule Interaction Studies Using Patterned Surfaces and Single-Molecule Fluorescence Microscopy

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference hall A101

Section 5: Novel optoelectronic devices Chair: Saulius Juršėnas
9:00S5-I1Andy Monkman (Durham university, UK) Optimising the hyperfluorescence photophysical pathways for the next generation of OLED displaysInvited
9:30S5-I2Vidmantas Gulbinas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Thermally activated and coherent charge carrier separation in all-organic solar cells” – Invited
10:00S5-I3 Ray-Hua Horng (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan) – Study of Micro-LEDs Arrays for the Light Source between High-Performance AI Chips and GPUs Applications– Invited
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Chair: Agnieszka Siemion
11:00S5-I4Abdel El Fatimy (University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Ben Guerir Marocco) – Graphene quantum dots bolometers – Invited
11:30S5-O1El Hadj Abidi (University of Salamanca, Spain)– Terahertz rectification up to 3.9 THz by using an Asymmetric Dual-Grating Gate Field-Effect Transistor
11:45S5-O2J. Jorudas (FTMC,Lithuania), THz bow-tie type diodes and bolometers based on non-uniform electron heating in AlGaN/GaN HEMT channels
12:00S5-O3D. Pashnev (FTMC,Lithuania) – Observation of 2D plasmon THz radiation in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures using modulation spectroscopy
12:15S5-O4D. But (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS) – Non-contact characterization of HgCdTe films with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
Section 6: THz technologies and applications Chair: Wladislaw Michailow
13:30S6-I1Heinz-Wilhelm Hübers (German Aerospace Center, Berlin, Germany) – Atomic oxygen in the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets measured by THz spectroscopy– Invited
14:00S6-I2Miriam Vitiello (Piza university, Italy) – TBA – Invited
14:30S6-O1V. Janonis (FTMC, Lithuania)– Near field imaging of plasmon phonon polaritons launched on n-GaN surface grating
14:45S6-O2M. Bialek (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS) – Hybridization of terahertz phonons and magnons in disparate and spatially-separated material specimens
15:00S6-O3D. Seliuta (FTMC, Lithuania)– Fano resonances in displaced and mirror-symmetric arrays of split ring resonators at sub-terahertz frequency
15:15S6-O4D. Yavorskiy (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS) – Electrical tuning of terahertz magnon-polaritons using a liquid crystal cavity
15:30S6-O5K.Ikamas (Vilnius University)– Electronic THz beam modulation with CMOS transistor switches
15:45-16:00 Coffee break
Chair: Chiko Otani
16:00S6-I3M. Bauer (Fraunhofer ITWM, Kaiserslautern, Germany) – Terahertz in Industry: Technology and Application
16:15S6-I4R. Norkus (FTMC,Lithuania) – Investigation of thin bismuth and tellurium layers using THz pulse excitation spectroscopy
16:30S6-O6F. Wahaia (Physics Institute, Millennium Institute for Research in Optics, Chile) – effect of bone age and anatomy on the variability of the bovine bone by-product by Terahertz Time-Domain spectroscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray microanalysis
16:45S6-O7I. Grigelionis (FTMC,Lithuania)  UKRAINIAN AND LITHUANIAN heraldic symbols through terahertz emission spectroscopy
17:0019:00Excursion in Vilnius Old Town
19:0020:00Excursion in Energy and Technology Museum (Rinktinės str. 2, 09312 Vilnius)
20:00 DINNER GALA Energy and Technology Museum (Rinktinės str. 2, 09312 Vilnius)

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology (FTMC)
Saulėtekio av. 3, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference hall A101

8:30-9:00 Registration
Section 7: Semiconductors for optoelectronics and photonics Chair: lrmantas Kašalynas
9:00S7-I1Saulius Marcinkevičius (KTH, Sweden) – Interwell carrier transport in InGaN quantum well LEDs  –Invited
9:30S7-I2Wladislaw Michailow (University of Cambridge, UK) – Terahertz technology: novel photonic detectors, metamaterial modulators, and waveguide optics – Invited
10:00S7-O1A. Zelioli (FTMC, Lithuania) – Design, growth and characterization of Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser for NIR
10:15S7D. Vizbaras (Vilnius University) – Non-linear terahertz detection with graphene field-effect transistor terahertz detectors
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
Section 8: Terahertz optics and imaging Chair: Dalius Seliuta
10:45S8-I1Agnieszka Siemion (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) –Achievements, challenges, and prospects for THz optical systems – Invited
11:15S8-I2Sergejus Orlovas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Structured light and laser ablated flat optics in nonparaxial terahertz imaging systems – Invited
11:45S8-O1L. Minkevičius (FTMC,Lithuania) – Dual-Mode Homodyne Imaging with C-Shaped Metalenses
12:00S8-O2A. Saushin (University of Eastern Finland) – Super-resolution optical fluctuation sensing
12:15S8-O3V. Abramova (FTMC, Lithuania)  – Problems of terahertz images quality enhancement
12:30S8-O4S. Driukas (FTMC, Lithuania) Polymer-based metalenses for THz beam engineering
12:45 end
12:45-13:30 Lunch break
Special Section dedicated to Quantum Technologies Chair: Tadas Paulauskas
13:30SS-I1Fedor Jelezko (Ulm University, Germany) – Spin qubits in diamondInvited
14:00SS-I2Radek Łapkiewiz (University of Warsaw, Poland) – Quantum imaging with undetected photons – Invited
14:30SS-K2Gediminas Juzeliūnas (Vilnius University) – Spins and cold atoms – Key-note
15:00SS-O1J. Janušonis (FTMC,Lithuania) Point Defects for Quantum Technologies
15:15SS-K2M. Maciaszek (Warsaw University, Poland) — First principles modeling of quantum defects in hexagonal boron nitride Key-note
15:45SS-O2L. Razinkovas (FTMC,Lithuania) – Theoretical Modeling of Vibrationally Resolved Optical Lineshapes of Semiconductor Deep-Level Defects
16:00SS-O3M. Marcozzi (Vilnius University) –  Recent Advances in Quantum Machine Learning Applications
16:30FTMCExcursion to the laboratories and Clean Room Facilities

DAYS 2-3, October 2–3

  1. Martynas Skapas (FTMC, Lithuania) – In-situ HRTEM investigation of GaAsBi/GaAs structure transformation during high-temperature annealing
  2. Paula Baltaševičiūtė (FTMC, Lithuania) – Environmental Impact on the Structural and Optoelectronic Behavior of Mixed Tin-Lead Perovskites
  3. Ivan Halimski (FTMC, Lithuania) – Interaction of organic molecules and nanomaterials: Spectroscopic and theoretical insights into a weak-bound complex of hexagonal boron nitride and trans-stilbene
  4. Vilius Čirgelis (FTMC, Lithuania) – Concentration quenching in solutions of chlorophyll molecules
  5. Mohammad Esmaeil Daraei (FTMC, Lithuania) – Terahertz Photoconductive Antennas Using Finite Element Method
  6. Yurii Ivonyak (Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) – Pressure tuning of HgCdTe epitaxial layers – the role of the highly disordered buffer layer
  7. Dmitriy Yavorskiy (Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland) – Strong coupling of magnetoplasmons to Faby-Pérot cavity modes
  8. Yaraslau Padrez (FTMC, Lithuania) – Determination of collagen ultrastructure in cancer tissue via unsupervised ML analysis of P-SHG image parameters
  9. Aivaras Špokas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Application focused GaAsBi based NIR emitters grown on AlAs sacrificial layer
  10. Ihor Zharchenko (FTMC, Lithuania) – Peculiarities of hot carrier transport across GaAs p-n junction
  11. Ignas Ledzinskas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Investigation of Overshoot Effect in Hybrid Perovskite Light Emitting Diodes
  12. Titas Klepeckas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Charge Generation and Drift Dynamics in Novel PM6:Y6 Organic Solar Cell Blends
  13. Daniel Rodz (FTMC, Lithuania) – Passivation effects on spectral properties of ytterbium doped cesium lead halide perovskites
  14. Aistė Butkutė (FTMC, Lithuania) – Luminescence properties of GaAsBi MQWs for VECSELs
  15. Ivan Halimski (FTMC, Lithuania) – Fluorescence concentration quenching in solutions of Zinc-containing and non-containing phthalocyanines
  16. Mindaugas Karaliūnas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Optical gain spectra of GaAsBi/GaAs quantum wells in parabolically graded AlGaAs barriers calculated in semi- classical approach
  17. Darius Antonovič (FTMC, Lithuania) – Investigation of tunneling effects in magnetic nanostructures using short pulsed electric and magnetic field fields
  18. Martynas Zalieckas (VilniusTech, Lithuania) – Study of the optical properties of the complexes of carbon quantum dots and compounds with anticancer properties
  19. Oleg Kiprijanovič (FTMC, Lithuania) – The initiation of N zone propagation with combustion wave qualities by micro-sized magnetic cumulation
  20. Adrianna Nieradka (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland) – Polarisers for sub-terahertz range made with 3D printing technique
  21. Mykolas Šikas (FTMC, Lithuania) – Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy for monitoring the curing of polymers
  22. Matas Bernatonis (FTMC, Lithuania) – Optics Effects on Cost-Effective InGaAs THz ‘Bow-Tie’ Detectors
  23. Karolis Redeckas (FTMC, Lithuania) – THz metalens design development and application to beam forming
  24. Mujahid Muhammad (FTMC, Lithuania) – Photovoltage formation in perovskite solar cell under laser excitation
  25. Kasparas Stanaitis (FTMC, Lithuania) – Terahertz imaging setup optimization by different lens configurations